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We’re all about that email marketing life over here on our corner of the Internet streets. We love it so much that we created the Three-E Process as a way to simplify email marketing and make it fun again for people who don’t geek out on email marketing like I do.

Now, when you use it right, it’s a great way to get (and keep) excited eyeballs on your emails and make you money even if you have a tiny list.

It goes like this:

how to write emails


Incorporate the following elements into your emails:


Angle your email in a way that teaches your audience the WHAT of a specific topic and highlight the dangers of the wrong method, resource or execution strategy.


Here, you’ll introduce a better way and present the better way as the best/only way to immediately overcome their struggles.

Now, we put the process to the test during a few email reviews we offered during a recent masterclass.

Check out the before and after email WERK below.


This coach wants higher open and clickthrough rates for her nurturing sequence. She targets women entrepreneurs, service-based ‘treps, influencers and other purpose-driven leaders interested in developing and monetizing their brand.

Here’s an excerpt from the before and after email WERK we did for her:


Subject Line: Your VIP access is waiting.

Hello there {first_name}!

You’ve done it now. You’ve joined our VIP Brand to Profit List, and that’s a FANTASTIC thing! You’ll quickly learn we have our own language around here.  

So here’s the thing: your brand, business, and bottom line deserve 100% from you. That’s your time, focus, consistency, strategy, innovation, and perfect hair. Ok, perfect hair is not required. I’m making sure you’re paying attention. In fact, please know… Are you paying attention? Please know that no form of perfection is required for success. You’ll hear me say this more than once: stop chasing perfection and chase possibilities. 

A few things to encourage our mutually beneficial, sure-to-be-impactful relationship:

-Please whitelist my email address (add it to your Contacts list) to make sure you don’t miss any of this brand-building, profit-generating goodness.

-You should know that I can crack myself up. I don’t need any help whatsoever. Yes there are times to be serious, but not too often. I’m a chocolate-loving, fun-loving woman. So when you see or hear me laughing in a video/audio, or in writing and you’re not sure why, you can assume I cracked my own self up. 

-Know that your brand is ev-e-ry-thing. Don’t take it for granted. It goes beyond a website, logo, or business card. It’s about what others think and say about you, especially when you’re not around. It’s about expectation, experience, and what you want to be known for. Develop a solid brand and building the rest of your business will become easier …

-I’m on multiple social media platforms, but where I hang out the most and would love to connect with you … Consider yourself invited to join my private Facebook Group for entrepreneurs, influencers, and others looking to build a profitable brand sooner rather than later. 


Now, what she wrote is great for someone who has already purchased something as it gives the buyer more ways to connect and get support. But during a nurturing sequence, it’s important that you reveal the benefits of what people have signed up for and showcase your personality so you start to build that know, like and trust factor immediately.

Here’s an excerpt from our suggested rewrite:

Subject Line: Congrats, you did the dang on thang …

Yay, you just made a MAJOR money move.

Congrats on choosing to bust a move and leap into the wonderful world of building a profitable brand.

Now, I gotta tell you that this whole profitable brand life is NOT for everyone.

You see, only the most ambitious, driven goal getters can move from having just a “brand” to having one so irresistible that your audience sits with face in palms, legs swinging anticipating the arrival of your next email …

That they race to open their wallets whenever you drop a new product or service.

And that they comment on and engage with everything you share on social media.

Yep, that’s something not every entrepreneur can have.

But you?! YOU took the most important step:

Asking for help.

And that’s what I call a FANTASTIC thing (more on my love for the word “FANTASTIC” a little later).


This crystal therapist wants higher open and more auto sales through her email sequence. She targets mostly women ages 25-35 who are interested in spirituality and the Law of Attraction and are open to selling high-end crystal bracelets.

Here’s an excerpt from the before and after email WERK we did for her:


Subject Line: No subject line provided by Client

Dear (name),

As a crystal therapist I wanted to create an effortless and fashionable way to receive all the benefits of healing crystal. Crystal work by interacting with your energy, so wearing them is a great way to maximize your results and attract your desires! 

I remember getting my first crystals! they were small little itty bitty things as $2-$4 was the max I was speeding on some stones. Even though I was skeptical, I was secretly excited to try them out! Went home, washed them in the sink and started carrying them in my pocket. BAM! I was hooked!

The energy, the shift, the upliftment from some little stones change my life!!  

This is why I created NAME OF BUSINESS, for an effortless and fashionable way to wear and experience all the benefits of healing crystals. 

But you may have some doubts or fears getting in the way of buying another crystal that doesn’t actually bring change, or maybe you have fears about if it can really help with anxiety. I want to address some of those questions for you:

*What if crystals haven’t worked for me in the past?
 You will receive a host of emails after you buy with how to properly place your intention into a crystal, how to cleanse and clear them. In addition, a 45-min video on how to manifest with crystals to ensure you get the most out of your crystal bracelet. 

*Can it really help with my anxiety ? Yes! there have been countless testimonies of people who have freed themselves from YEARS of anxiety, over thinking and allowed them to get out of their own way and start living the like they desire thanks to the help of crystals!

Imagine if…

*Imagine if you could simply wear a bracelet and feel you whole mood shift instantly.
*Imagine if you could go a day, week, months without an anxiety attack and a peaceful mind.

Those who wait get stuck:

*remain skeptical and not experience for themselves 
*live with a troubled mind

I don’t want that to be you. Here is one more time to get the NAME OF PRODUCT (or please forward this to the first person who comes to your mind when you think of a some who is looking for an alternate way to improve their life.)


We love how she told a story, but we want her to infuse more personality and passion into the email. Make it less formal and more impactful by giving the reader a reason to take the next step.

Here’s an excerpt from our suggested rewrite:

Note: Subject lines are critical, but you didn’t provide any options. Be sure to use what we discussed during class to come up with compelling subject lines.


I know you …

No, I don’t know you personally but the mere fact that you’re here tells me that you’re:

Aware of the vibrations and healing properties of crystals.

See crystals as much more than “pretty jewelry.”

And ready to indulge in the transformative experience that the right crystals can deliver.

You see, I “know” this about you because I AM you.

X years ago, I got my first crystals … [tell your story]

But even after experiencing that life-altering shift, I was still skeptical and I’m sure you might be too.

So please allow me to clear up a few common questions (and misconceptions) about this whole crystals thing:

[insert questions]

The thing is, I had some of these very same questions. And the answers are what led me to creating Crown by Shakira and the Attraction Bracelet. You see, in my quest for real talk about crystals, I uncovered a true void in the marketplace:

Some crystals were for healing. Others were for those who wanted to wear pretty things but none for those who wanted to bask in the glory of the healing and beautiful properties of crystals. That is until I launched NAME OF BUSINESS …


And there you have it … the Three-E Process in full effect. Now, if you want to write emails that boost open rates, lower unsubs and excite your subscribers, we have two options for you: (1) DIY it or (2) put a Word Stylistz in your backpocket. Both options equally effective – your choice.