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Ahhhh, how to write sales messages that sell? It’s the question everybody wants the answer to. Now, before I drop my million-dollar response, here’s what I want you to know:

Simple is sexy and sexy is attractive. And that’s the type of sales message you want to deliver. Now, the problem is most businesses are spending too much time “chasing checks” which ultimately leads you to chase whoever may say YES to your product or service. And once any old body says yes, you cast your net wider and wider until you THINK you’ve created a product for everybody until you realize you’re not getting the sales you should.

Sooo, now that I’ve identified the problem, you’ve got some work to do to get the solution. Hit the play button below. 



And there you have it … your first Biz Love Bomb has dropped. Want a chance to get even more of my million-dollar messaging assistance?

Share an InstaStory with your feedback about today’s Biz Love Bomb . Use #bizbomb and tag me (@baabwriting). You must share your feedback before 11:59 p.m. EDT to qualify for the drawing.

I’ll watch the stories and choose an action taker to win a FREE consult with me so we can whip your sales message into smack-the-buy-button shape! #BOOM